{% extends 'base_telegram_bot_menu.html' %} {% load static %} {% load i18n %} {% block title %}{% trans "Telegram бот" %}{% endblock title %} {% block animation_styles %}{% endblock animation_styles %} {% block monaco_editor_styles %}{% endblock monaco_editor_styles %} {% block content %}
{% if not telegram_bot.is_running and telegram_bot.is_stopped %}{% trans "Telegram бот выключен" %}{% else %}{% trans "Telegram бот включен" %}{% endif %}
{% trans "API-токен" %}:
{% trans "Приватный" %}:
{% trans "Добавлен" %}: {{ telegram_bot.added_date }}
{% trans "Количество пользователей" as info_area_text %} {% include 'widgets/info_area.html' with class="col-6" value=telegram_bot.users.count text=info_area_text %} {% trans "Количество команд" as info_area_text %} {% include 'widgets/info_area.html' with class="col-6" value=telegram_bot.commands.count text=info_area_text %} {% comment %} {% trans "Активность за 24 ч." as info_area_text %} {% include 'widgets/info_area.html' with class="col-6" value="0" text=info_area_text %} {% endcomment %}
{% endblock content %} {% block animation_scripts %}{% endblock animation_scripts %} {% block monaco_editor_scripts %}{% endblock monaco_editor_scripts %} {% block scripts %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock scripts %}